Pro-Like Window Cleaning You Can Do Yourself
Ideally, windows should be washed twice a year, but it can be a
lengthy, tedious task. One of the things that makes it so hard is that
old-wives tales have led people to use scruntched-up paper towels or
newspaper, windex, and a ton of hard work.
Rubbing windows over and over again is not a smart idea because all that’s achieved is moving dirt from one spot to another and applying a static charge on the glass, which attracts dust and dirt. Before you know it, the window looks terrible again.

Large windows call for large tools. The long microfibre head of an applicator soaks up a lot of soapy water and removes most dirt without scratching the glass. For a window cleaning solution, we recommend using
just a squirt of dishwashing liquid such as Morning Fresh in a bucket of warm water—the less suds, the better.

In a reverse-S pattern (left-handers do the opposite) starting at the top left, pull the squeegee over the soapy pane. At the end of each movement, wipe the squeegee’s blade clean with a lint-free rag such as surgical towels or lint free nappies.

To clean a colonial window, you’ll need a squeegee that fits the panes. We recommend using a hacksaw to cut one to size. Trim the metal channel ¼ inch narrower than the window pane, then use a metal file to make the edges smooth. With a Stanley knife, cut the rubber blade to the pane’s full width and fit it into the channel so that it protrudes slightly at each end.
At Housewindowcleaning, we do many of these jobs, because, frankly, they are extremely time consuming and difficult tasks. Contact or Call us today to have the job done more quickly and efficiently.
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Rubbing windows over and over again is not a smart idea because all that’s achieved is moving dirt from one spot to another and applying a static charge on the glass, which attracts dust and dirt. Before you know it, the window looks terrible again.
Wash with an applicator (Large Window)

Large windows call for large tools. The long microfibre head of an applicator soaks up a lot of soapy water and removes most dirt without scratching the glass. For a window cleaning solution, we recommend using
just a squirt of dishwashing liquid such as Morning Fresh in a bucket of warm water—the less suds, the better.
Wipe water off with a squeegee (Large Window)

In a reverse-S pattern (left-handers do the opposite) starting at the top left, pull the squeegee over the soapy pane. At the end of each movement, wipe the squeegee’s blade clean with a lint-free rag such as surgical towels or lint free nappies.
Dry off frames (Larger Window)
In order to prevent runs of water on the glass, it is important to wipe around the frames with a DRY rag. The rag must be dry so that no smudgy marks are left. A separate, general-use towel should be used to wipe spills and the sills.Make a smaller squeegee (Colonial Windows)

To clean a colonial window, you’ll need a squeegee that fits the panes. We recommend using a hacksaw to cut one to size. Trim the metal channel ¼ inch narrower than the window pane, then use a metal file to make the edges smooth. With a Stanley knife, cut the rubber blade to the pane’s full width and fit it into the channel so that it protrudes slightly at each end.
Scrub each pane (Colonial Windows)
A non-scratch sponge works best on multipane windows. Using the same solution of a squirt of detergent in water, rub each pane thoroughly, paying careful attention to the corners.Remove suds with a squeegee (Colonial Windows)
Pull the squeegee down each of the little glass panes in a single stroke from top to bottom. After each movement, wipe the squeegee blade so that it doesn’t leave streaks. After completing, again wipe around the edges with a dry lint free cloth. Work the panes from top to bottom, any other order can leave runs from the higher glass when they are cleaned.At Housewindowcleaning, we do many of these jobs, because, frankly, they are extremely time consuming and difficult tasks. Contact or Call us today to have the job done more quickly and efficiently.
.this blog appeared here
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